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Fitt 19

1588 `Hêrro the gôdo', quað he, | `ûs is thînoro huldi tharf,
1589 te giuuirkenne thînna uuilleon, | endi ôc thînoro uuordo self,
1590 alloro barno bezt, | that thu ûs bedon lêres,
1591 iungoron thîne, | Iohannes duot,
1592 diurlîc dôperi, | dago gehuuilicas
1593 is uuerod mid uuordun, | huuô sie uualdand sculun,
1594 gôdan grôtean. | thîna iungorun self:
1595 gerihti ûs that gerûni'. | Thô habda eft the rîkeo garu
1596 sân aftar thiu, | sunu drohtines,
1597 gôd uuord angegin: | `Than gi god uuillean,' quað he,
1598 `uueros mid iuuuon uuordun | uualdand grôtean,
1599 allaro cuningo craftigostan, | than queðad gi, ic iu lêriu:
1600 Fadar ûsa | firiho barno,
1601 thu bist an them hôhon | himila rîkea,
1602 geuuîhid thîn namo | uuordo gehuuilico.
1603 Cuma thîn | craftag rîki.
1604 Uuerða thîn uuilleo | ob=ar thesa uuerold alla,
1605 sama an erðo, | thar uppa ist
1606 an them hôhon | himilo rîkea.
1607 Gef ûs dago gehuuilikes râd, | drohtin the gôdo,
1608 thîna hêlaga helpa, | endi alât ûs, heb=enes uuard,
1609 managoro mênsculdio, | al uue ôðrum mannum dôan.
1610 Ne lât ûs farlêdean | lêða uuihti
1611 forð an iro uuilleon, | uui uuirðige sind,
1612 ac help ûs uuiðar allun | ub=ilon dâdiun.
1613 sculun gi biddean, | than gi te bede hnîgad
1614 uueros mid iuuuom uuordun, | that iu uualdand god
1615 lêðes alâte | an leutcunnea.
1616 Ef gi than uuilliad alâtan | liudeo gehuuilicun
1617 thero sacono endi thero sundeono, | the sie uuið iu selb=on hîr
1618 uurêða geuuirkeat, | than alâtid iu uualdand god,
1619 fadar alamahtig | firinuuerk mikil,
1620 managoro mênsculdeo. | Ef iu than uuirðid iuuua môd te starc,
1621 that gi ne uuilleat ôðrun | erlun alâtan,
1622 uueron uuamdâdi, | than ne uuil iu ôc uualdand god
1623 grimuuerc fargeb=an, | ac gi sculun is geld niman,
1624 suîðo lêðlic lôn | te languru huuîlu,
1625 alles thes unrehtes, thes gi ôðrum hîr
1626 gilêstead an thesumu liohte | endi than uuið liudeo barn
1627 thea saca ne gisônead, | êr gi an thana sîð faran,
1628 uueros fon thesoro uueroldi. | Oc scal ic iu te uuârun seggean,
1629 huuô gi lêstean sculun | lêra mîna:
1630 than gi iuuua fastonnea | frummean uuillean,
1631 minson iuuua mêndâdi, | than ni duad gi that te managom cûð,
1632 ac mîðad is far ôðrun mannun: | thoh uuêt mahtig god,
1633 uualdand iuuuan uuillean, | thoh iu uuerod ôðar,
1634 liudio barn ne lob=on. | He gildid is iu lôn aftar thiu,
1635 iuuua hêlag fadar | an himilrîkea,
1636 thes ge im mid sulicum ôdmôdea, | erlos theonod,
1637 ferhtlîco undar thesumu folke. | Ne uuilleat feho uuinnan
1638 erlos an unreht, | ac uuirkead up te gode
1639 man aftar mêdu: | that is mêra thing,
1640 than man hîr an erðu | ôdag libbea,
1641 uueroldscattes geuuono. | Ef gi uuilliad mînun uuordun hôrean,
1642 than ne samnod gi hîr sinc mikil | silob=res ne goldes
1643 an thesoro middilgard, | mêðomhordes,
1644 huuand it rotat hîr an roste, | endi regintheob=os farstelad,
1645 uurmi auuardiad, | uuirðid that giuuâdi farslitan,
1646 tigangid the golduuelo. | Lêstead iuuua gôdon uuerc,
1647 samnod iu an himile | hord that mêra,
1648 fagara fehoscattos: | that ni mag iu ênig fîund beniman,
1649 neuuiht anuuendean, | huuand the uuelo standid
1650 garu iu tegegnes, | huat gi gôdes tharod,
1651 an that himilrîki | hordes gesamnod,
1652 heliðos thurh iuuua handgeb=a, | endi hebbead tharod iuuuan hugi fasto;
1653 huuand thar ist alloro manno gihuues | môdgethâhti,
1654 hugi endi herta, | thar is hord ligid,
1655 sinc gesamnod. Nis eo sâlig man,
1656 that mugi an thesoro brêdon uuerold | bêðiu anthengean,
1657 ge that hi an thesoro erðo | ôdag libbea,
1658 an allun uueroldlustun uuesa, | ge thoh uualdand gode
1659 te thanke getheono: | ac he scal alloro thingo gihuues
1660 simbla ôðarhuueðar | ên farlâtan,
1661 ettho lusta thes lîchamon | ettho lîf êuuig.
1662 Bethiu ni gornot gi umbi iuuua gegaruuui, | ac huggead te gode fasto,
1663 ne mornont an iuuuomu môde, | huuat gi eft an morgan sculin
1664 etan eftho drinkan | ettho an hebbean
1665 uueros te geuuêdea: | it uuêt al uualdand god,
1666 huues thea bithurb=un, | thea im hîr thionod uuel,
1667 folgod iro frôhan uuilleon. | Huuat, gi that bi thesun fuglun mugun
1668 uuârlîco undaruuitan, | thea hîr an thesoro uueroldi sint,
1669 farad an feðarhamun: | sie ni cunnun ênig feho uuinnan,
1670 thoh gib=id im drohtin god | dago gehuuilikes
1671 helpa uuiðar hungre. | Ôc mugun gi an iuuuom hugi marcon,
1672 uueros umbi iuuua geuuâdi, | huuô thie uurti sint
1673 fagoro gefratohot, | thea hîr an felde stâd,
1674 berhtlîco geblôid: | ne mahta the burges uuard,
1675 Salomon the cuning, | the habda sinc mikil,
1676 mêðomhordas mêst, | thero the ênig man êhti,
1677 uuelono geuunnan | endi allaro geuuâdeo cust, --
1678 thoh ni mohte he an is lîb=e, | thoh he habdi alles theses landes geuuald,
1679 auuinnan sulic geuuâdi, | thiu uurt hab=ad,
1680 thiu hîr an felde stâd | fagoro gegariuuit,
1681 lilli mid lioflîcu blômon: | ina uuâdit the landes uualdand
1682 hêr fan heb=enes uuange. | Mêr is im thoh umbi thit heliðo cunni,
1683 liudi sint im liob=oron mikilu, | thea he im an thesumu lande geuuarhte,
1684 uualdand an uuilleon sînan. | Bethiu ne thurb=on gi umbi iuuua geuuâdi sorgon,
1685 ne gornot gi umbi iuuua gegariuui te suuîðo: | god uuili is alles râdan,
1686 helpan fan heb=enes uuange, | ef gi uuilliad aftar is huldi theonon.
1687 Gerot gi simbla êrist thes godes rîkeas, | endi than duat aftar them is gôdun uuercun,
1688 rômod gi rehtoro thingo: | than uuili iu the rîkeo drohtin
1689 geb=on mid alloro gôdu gehuuilicu, | ef gi im thus fulgangan uuillead,
1690 ic iu te uuârun hîr | uuordun seggeo.
[Fitt 20] [Fitt index]