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Fitt 18

1502b Ôc is an them êo gescrib=an
1503 uuârun uuordun, | gi uuitun alle,
1504 that mîðe mênêd=os | mancunnies gehuuilic,
1505 ni forsuerie ina selb=on, | huuand that is sundie te mikil,
1506 farlêdid liudi | an lêðan uueg.
1507 Than uuilleo ic iu eft seggean, | that sân ni suerea neoman
1508 ênigan êd=staf | eldibarno,
1509 ne bi himile themu hôhon, | huuand that is thes hêrron stôl,
1510 ne bi erðu thar undar, | huuand that is thes alouualdon
1511 fagar fôtscamel, | nec ênig firiho barno
1512 ne suuerea bi is selb=es hôb=de, | huuand he ni mag thar ne suuart ne huuît
1513 ênig hâr geuuirkean, | bûtan it the hêlago god,
1514 gemarcode mahtig; | bethiu sculun mîðan filu
1515 erlos êðuuordo. | huue it ofto dôt,
1516 uuirðid is simbla uuirsa, | huuand he imu giuuardon ni mag.
1517 Bithiu scal ic iu nu te uuârun | uuordun gibeodan,
1518 that gi neo ne suerien | suuîðoron êðos,
1519 mêron met mannun, | bûtan ic iu mid mînun hêr
1520 suuîðo uuârlico | uuordun gebiudu:
1521 ef man huuemu saca sôkea, | biseggea that uuâre,
1522 queðe iâ, gef it sî, | geha thes thar uuâr is,
1523 queðe nên, af it nis, | lâta im genôg an thiu;
1524 huat is mêr ob=ar that | man gefrummiad,
1525 cumid it al fan ub=ile | eldibarnun,
1526 that erl thurh untreuua | ôðres ni uili
1527 uuordo gelôb=ian. | Than seggio ic iu te uuâron ôc,
1528 huuô it thar an them aldon | êo gebiudit:
1529 huue ôgon genimid | ôðres mannes,
1530 lôsid af is lîchaman, | ettha is liðo huilican,
1531 that he it eft mid is selb=es scal | sân antgelden
1532 mid gelîcun liðion. | Than uuillio ic iu lêrian nu,
1533 that gi ni uurecan | uurêða dâdi,
1534 ac that gi thurh ôdmôdi | al gethologian
1535 uuîties endi uuammes, | huat man iu an thesoro uueroldi gedôe.
1536 Dôe alloro erlo gehuilic | ôðrom manne
1537 frume endi gefôri, | he uuillie, that im firiho barn
1538 gôdes angegin dôen. | Than uuirðit im god mildi,
1539 liudio huilicum, | that lêstien uuili.
1540 Êrod gi arme man, | dêliad iuuan ôduuelon
1541 undar thero thurftigon thiodu; | ne rôkead, huueðar gi is ênigan thanc antfâhan
1542 eftho lôn an thesoro lêhneon uueroldi, | ac huggeat te iuuuomu leob=on hêrran
1543 thero geb=ono te gelde, | that sie iu god lôno,
1544 mahtig mundboro, | huuat gi is thurh is minnea gidôt.
1545 Ef thu than geb=ogean uuili | gôdun mannun
1546 fagare fehoscattos, | thar thu eft frumono hugis
1547 mêr antfâhan, | te huuî hab=as thu thes êniga mêda fon gode
1548 ettha lôn an themu is liohte? | huuand that is lêhni feho.
1549 is thes alles gehuuat, | the thu ôðrun geduos
1550 liudeon te leob=e, | thar thu hugis eft gelîc neman
1551 thero uuordo endi thero uuerco: | te huuî uuêt thi thes ûsa uualdand thanc,
1552 thes thu thîn bifilhis | endi antfâhis eft than thu uuili?
1553 Iuuuan ôduuelon | geb=an gi them armun mannun,
1554 the ina iu an thesoro uueroldi ne lônon | endi rômot te iuuues uualdandes rîkea.
1555 Te hlûd ni thu it, | than thu mid thînun handun bifelhas
1556 thîna alamosna themu armon manne, | ac im thurh ôdmôdien hugi,
1557 gerno thurh godes thanc: | than môst thu eft geld niman,
1558 suuîðo lioflîc lôn, | thar thu is lango bitharft,
1559 fagaroro frumono. | huuat thu is thurh ferhtan hugi
1560 darno gedêleas, | -- is ûsumu drohtine uuerð --
1561 ne galpo thu far thînun geb=un te suuîðo, | noh ênig gumono ne scal,
1562 that siu im thurh that îdale hrôm | eft ni uuerðe
1563 lêðlîco farloren. | Thanna thu scalt lôn nemen
1564 fora godes ôgun | gôdero uuerco.
1565 Ôc scal ic iu gebeodan, | than gi uuilliad te bedu hnîgan
1566 endi uuilliad te iuuuomu hêrron | helpono biddean,
1567 that he iu alâte | lêðes thinges,
1568 thero sacono endi thero sundeono, | thea gi iu selb=on hîr
1569 uurêða geuuirkead, | that gi it than for ôðrumu uuerode ni duad:
1570 ni mâread it far menigi, | that iu thes man ni lob=on,
1571 ni diurean thero dâdeo, | that gi iuuues drohtines gibed
1572 thurh that îdala hrôm | al ne farleosan.
1573 Ac than gi uuillean te iuuuomo hêrron | helpono biddean,
1574 thiggean theolîco, | -- thes iu is tharf mikil --
1575 that iu sigidrohtin | sundeono tômea,
1576 than dôt gi that darno: | thoh uuêt it iuuue drohtin self
1577 hêlag an himile, | huuand imu nis biholan neouuiht
1578 ne uuordo ne uuerco. | He lâtid it than al geuuerðan sô,
1579 gi ina than biddiad, | than gi te thero bedo hnîgad
1580 mid hluttru hugi.' | Heliðos stôdun,
1581 gumon umbi thana godes sunu | gerno suuîðo,
1582 uueros an uuilleon: | uuas im thero uuordo niud,
1583 thâhtun endi thagodun, | uuas im tharf mikil,
1584 that sie that eft gehogdin, | that im that hêlaga barn
1585 an thana forman sið | filu mid uuordun
1586 torhtes getalde. | Thô sprac im eft ên thero tuuelib=io angegin,
1587 glauuuoro gumono, | te them godes barne:
[Fitt 19] [Fitt index]