A lexical database of the West Slavic languages

Funded by

The British Academy

WESLALEX is the first cross-linguistic database of words in children’s school books in the West Slavic languages: Czech, Slovak, and Polish. The database contains morphologically and phonetically tagged words extracted from the most widely used instructional textbooks for grades 1 to 3/4/5, and it allows, via a simple WWW interface, searches for useful statistics about words and their morphological and phonological attributes.

Inspired by the British-English Children’s Printed Word Database (CPWD) (Masterson et al., 2003), a major feature of WESLALEX is that it generates comparable information about the words that primary school children encounter in reading in Czech, Slovak, and (soon also in) Polish, as well as in British English (CPWD). A unique extension of WESLALEX is the wealth of grammatical information that it can generate, which is a component of key importance for the inflected Slavic languages. WESLALEX can serve a wide variety of single-language and cross-linguistic research and educational purposes.

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Principal investigator for this project is Markéta Caravolas, Bangor University. Support for this project was provided by a grant from the British Academy.

APA citation:

Kessler, B., & Caravolas, M. (2011). Weslalex: West Slavic lexicon of child-directed printed words. Retrieved from http://spell.psychology.wustl.edu/weslalex

Webster: Brett Kessler
Last change 2011-04-20T09:36:19-0500