Words are from the Random House Dictionary, 2nd ed. Word frequencies are weighted by the frequencies in the Brown corpus (Francis & Kucera).
Counting 0 freqs in Brown as 0.3
106 different coda.
Vowel | Word Types | Word Tokens | Examples |
374 | 200234.3 | a,awe,aye,baa,bay,be,Bea,beau,bee,bey,birr,blew,I | |
D | 65 | 1016.4 | age,badge,bridge,budge,cadge,cage,dirge,dodge,raj |
G | 71 | 2759.2 | bang,bhang,Bing,bong,bring,bung,clang,cling,clung |
Gk | 81 | 1075.2 | ankh,banc,bank,blank,blink,brink,bronc,bunk,chink |
Gkq | 2 | 253.0 | length,strength |
Gks | 8 | 3.1 | branks,hunks,jinks,jinx,lynx,Manx,minx,sphinx |
Gkst | 1 | 2.0 | angst |
Gkt | 1 | 0.3 | tinct |
Q | 22 | 68.9 | bathe,blithe,Blythe,breathe,clothe,lathe,lithe |
S | 79 | 621.8 | ash,bash,blush,Boche,bosh,brash,broche,brush,bush |
T | 103 | 8002.2 | aitch,bach,batch,beach,beech,birch,bitch,bleach |
Z | 6 | 4.2 | beige,loge,luge,plage,rouge,taj |
b | 111 | 642.0 | abb,Abe,babe,bib,bibb,blab,bleb,blob,blub,blurb |
bz | 5 | 1.5 | Babs,dibs,nibs,plebs,vibes |
d | 251 | 23066.7 | ad,add,aid,aide,bad,bade,baud,bawd,bead,bed,bid |
dq | 2 | 21.0 | breadth,width |
dst | 1 | 19.0 | midst |
dz | 5 | 18.6 | adz,duds,ides,Rhodes,suds |
f | 108 | 4976.1 | baff,beef,bluff,brief,buff,buffe,calf,chafe,chaff |
fq | 1 | 38.0 | fifth |
ft | 30 | 761.0 | aft,cleft,craft,croft,daft,deft,draft,drift,eft |
g | 110 | 1011.5 | bag,beg,beg,berg,big,bog,brag,brig,brogue,bug,cog |
k | 287 | 9228.4 | ache,auk,back,bake,balk,beak,beck,bike,black,bloc |
ks | 40 | 730.8 | ax,box,Brooks,coax,cox,crux,dux,ex,fix,flax,flex |
kst | 4 | 455.6 | next,sext,sixte,text |
kt | 10 | 772.6 | act,bract,duct,fact,pact,Pict,sect,strict,tact |
l | 328 | 15099.3 | ail,aisle,Al,ale,all,awl,bael,bail,bale,ball,bawl |
lD | 2 | 7.0 | bilge,bulge |
lS | 2 | 4.3 | welsh,Welsh |
lT | 8 | 9.8 | belch,culch,filch,gulch,milch,mulch,pilch,squelch |
lb | 2 | 7.3 | alb,bulb |
ld | 31 | 3346.8 | bald,bold,build,child,cold,field,fjeld,fold,geld |
lf | 14 | 143.5 | Alf,elf,golf,Guelph,gulf,pelf,Ralph,Rolf,self |
lfq | 1 | 5.0 | twelfth |
lft | 1 | 0.3 | delft |
lk | 12 | 83.8 | bilk,bulk,calque,elk,hulk,ilk,milk,silk,skulk |
lks | 2 | 0.6 | calx,falx |
lkt | 1 | 0.3 | mulct |
lm | 6 | 121.6 | culm,elm,film,helm,realm,whelm |
lp | 12 | 327.8 | alp,golp,gulp,help,kelp,palp,pulp,scalp,sculp |
lps | 1 | 1.0 | Phelps |
lpt | 1 | 0.3 | sculpt |
lq | 5 | 135.0 | filth,health,stealth,tilth,wealth |
ls | 5 | 223.6 | dulse,else,false,grilse,pulse |
lst | 1 | 0.3 | whilst |
lt | 44 | 698.6 | alt,belt,bolt,built,Celt,celt,colt,cult,dealt |
lts | 2 | 1.3 | schmaltz,waltz |
lv | 7 | 72.2 | delve,helve,salve,shelve,solve,twelve,valve |
lvz | 1 | 4.0 | wolves |
lz | 4 | 4.9 | dalles,dells,gules,Miles |
m | 210 | 18108.1 | aim,am,balm,beam,berm,blame,bloom,bomb,bombe,boom |
mf | 2 | 3.0 | lymph,nymph |
mp | 58 | 237.4 | amp,blimp,bump,camp,champ,chimp,chump,clamp,clomp |
mps | 3 | 16.6 | dumps,glimpse,mumps |
mpt | 3 | 13.3 | kempt,prompt,tempt |
mt | 1 | 0.3 | dreamt |
mz | 3 | 102.6 | alms,James,jams |
n | 315 | 55942.9 | an,Ann,Anne,awn,ban,bane,bean,been,ben,Ben,bin,en |
nD | 23 | 532.3 | binge,blunge,change,cringe,dinge,flange,fringe |
nT | 44 | 405.3 | bench,blanch,Blanche,blench,branch,brunch,bunch |
nd | 63 | 33105.9 | and,band,bend,bind,bland,blend,blende,blind,blond |
nq | 2 | 130.3 | month,plinth |
ns | 41 | 1908.1 | bounce,cense,chance,dance,dense,dunce,fence,Hanse |
nt | 82 | 2674.5 | ant,aunt,bant,bent,blent,blunt,brant,Brant,Brent |
nts | 3 | 9.6 | blintze,chintz,pants |
nz | 15 | 72.3 | banns,bonze,bronze,cleanse,frons,gens,glans,Hans |
p | 195 | 4908.5 | ape,beep,bleep,blip,bloop,bop,burp,cap,cape,cep |
pq | 1 | 53.0 | depth |
ps | 12 | 11.4 | apse,chaps,copse,craps,cripes,lapse,Ops,schnapps |
pt | 13 | 296.2 | apt,Copt,crept,crypt,kept,leapt,opt,rapt,script |
q | 53 | 9707.5 | bath,berth,Beth,birth,Booth,booth,both,breath |
r | 194 | 36999.3 | air,are,are,bar,bare,bear,beer,bier,Blair,blare |
rD | 8 | 631.6 | barge,charge,forge,George,gorge,large,Marge |
rS | 3 | 12.6 | harsh,kirsch,marsh |
rSt | 1 | 0.3 | borscht |
rT | 9 | 185.9 | arch,larch,march,March,parch,porch,scorch,starch |
rb | 7 | 13.2 | barb,barbe,carb,forb,garb,orb,sorb |
rd | 27 | 1128.4 | bard,beard,board,card,chard,chord,cord,ford,Ford |
rdz | 2 | 0.6 | cords,hards |
rf | 6 | 10.9 | dwarf,morph,scarf,swarf,wharf,zarf |
rg | 2 | 1.3 | bourg,morgue |
rk | 24 | 513.4 | arc,ark,bark,Clark,cork,dark,fork,hark,lark,marc |
rl | 7 | 49.5 | Carl,gnarl,jarl,Karl,marl,orle,snarl |
rlz | 1 | 96.0 | Charles |
rm | 12 | 741.9 | arm,barm,charm,corm,dorm,farm,form,harm,norm,warm |
rn | 20 | 301.8 | barn,born,borne,cairn,corn,darn,firn,horn,lorn |
rp | 8 | 77.5 | carp,dorp,gorp,harp,scarp,sharp,tarp,warp |
rps | 1 | 7.0 | corpse |
rq | 6 | 291.6 | forth,garth,Garth,hearth,north,swarth |
rs | 21 | 986.7 | bourse,coarse,course,dorse,farce,fierce,force |
rsk | 1 | 0.3 | torsk |
rst | 2 | 0.6 | horst,karst |
rt | 37 | 1814.9 | art,Art,Bart,bort,cart,carte,chart,court,dart,ort |
rts | 1 | 1.0 | quartz |
rv | 6 | 8.6 | carve,Harve,Marv,starve,varve,wharve |
rz | 2 | 19.3 | Lars,Mars |
s | 189 | 12740.1 | ace,as,ass,base,bass,bass,Bess,bis,bless,bliss,os |
sk | 28 | 389.8 | ask,bask,Basque,bisque,Bosc,bosk,brisk,brusque |
sp | 11 | 37.2 | asp,clasp,crisp,cusp,gasp,grasp,hasp,lisp,rasp |
st | 92 | 8397.7 | bast,baste,beast,best,blast,blest,boast,boost |
sts | 1 | 0.3 | lists |
t | 358 | 55523.9 | at,ate,aught,bait,bat,bate,batt,beat,beaut,beet |
ts | 13 | 18.7 | blitz,fritz,Fritz,grits,groats,hertz,Lutz,quits |
v | 93 | 43201.2 | brave,calve,cave,chive,clave,cleave,Cleve,Clive |
vz | 5 | 1.5 | beeves,greaves,hives,Ives,vives |
z | 113 | 42836.3 | as,baize,biz,Blaise,blaze,booze,bouse,braise,buzz |
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