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Fitt 71

5939 That uuîf uuarð thuo an uuunnon, | that siu muosta sulican uuillion cûðian,
5940 seggian fan im gisundon: | uuarð sân garo
5941 thiu idis an that ârundi | endi them erlon brâhta,
5942 uuillspel uueron, | that siu uualdand Crist
5943 gisundan gisâuui, | endi sagda huô he iru selb=o gibôd
5944 torohtero têcno. | Sia ni uueldun gitrûoian thuo noh
5945 thes uuîbes uuordon, | that siu sulic uuillspel brâhte
5946 gegnungo fan themo godes suno, | ac sia sâtun im iâmormuoda,
5947 heliðos hriuuonda. | Thuo uuarð thie hêlago Crist
5948 eft opanlîco | ôðersîðu,
5949 drohtin gitôgid, | sîðor hie fan dôd=e astuod,
5950 than uuîb=on an uuillion, | that hie im thar an uuege muotta.
5951 Quedda sia cûðlîco, | endi sia te is kneohon hnigun,
5952 fellun im fuoton. | Hie hêt that sia forahtan hugi
5953 ne bârin an iro brioston: | `ac gi mînon bruoðron sculun
5954 thesa quidi cûðian, | that sia cuman after mi
5955 an Galileo land; | thar ik im eft tegegnes biun.'
5956 Than fuorun im ôk fan Hierusalem | thero iungrono tuêna
5957 an them selb=on daga | sân an morgan,
5958 erlos an iro ârundi: | uueldun im te Emaus
5959 that castel suocan. | Thuo bigunnun im quidi managa
5960 under them uueron uuahsan, | thar sia after them uuege fuorun,
5961 them heliðon umbi iro hêrron. | Thuo quam im thar thie hêlago tuo
5962 gangandi godes suno. | Sia ni mahtun ina garolîco
5963 antkennan craftigna: | hie ni uuelda ina thuo noh cûðian te im;
5964 uuas im thoh an iro gisîðie samad | endi frâgoda, umbi huilica sia saca sprâkin:
5965 `huî gangat gi gornondia?' quathie. | `Ist inc iâmer hugi,
5966 seb=o soragono full.' | Sia sprâcun im sân angegin,
5967 thia erlos anduurdi: | `te huî thu thes êscos sô,' quâðun sia;
5968 `bist thi fan Hierusalem | Iudeono folcas
5969 hêlagumu gêste | fan heb=enuuange,
5970 mid them grôtun godes craft.' | Nam is iungaron thô,
5971 erlos gôde, | lêdda sie ût thanan,
5972 antat he sie brâhte | an Bethania;
5973 thar hôf he is hendi up | endi hêlegoda sie alle,
5974 uuîhida sie mid is uuordun. | Giuuêt imo up thanan,
5975 sôhta imo that hôha himilo rîki | endi thena is hêlagon stôl:
5976 sitit imo thar | an thea suîðron half godes,
5977 alomahtiges fader | endi thanan all gesihit
5978 uualdandeo Crist, | huat thius uuerold behab=et.
5979 Thô an theru selb=on stedi | gesiðos gôde
5980 te bedu fellun | endi im eft te burg thanan
5981 thar te Hierusalem | iungaron Cristes
5982 fôrun faganondi: | uuas im frâhmod hugi,
5983 uuârun im thar at themu uuîhe. | Uualdandes craft
[Fitt index]