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Fitt 59

4925 Thô uurðun thes malsce | môdag folc Iudeono,
4926 thiu hêri uuarð thes hrômeg, | thes sie thena hêlagon Krist
4927 an liðobendion | lêdian muostun,
4928 fôrian an fitereun. | Thie fîund eft geuuitun
4929 fan themu berge te burg. | Geng that barn godes
4930 undar themu heriscepi | handun gebunden,
4931 drûb=ondi te dale. | Uuârun imu thea is diurion thô
4932 gesîðos gesuikane, | al he im êr selb=o gisprak:
4933 ni uuas it thoh be ênigaru blôði, | that sie that barn godes,
4934 liob=en farlêtun, | ac it uuas lango biforen
4935 uuârsagono uuord, | that it scoldi giuuerðen sô:
4936 bethiu ni mahtun sie is bemîðan. | Than aftar theru menegi gengun
4937 Iohannes endi Petrus, | thie gumon tuêne,
4938 folgodun ferrane: | uuas im firiuuit mikil,
4939 huat thea grimmon Iudeon | themu godes barne,
4940 uueldin iro drohtine dôen. | Thô sie te dale quâmun
4941 fan themu berge te burg, | thar iro biscop uuas,
4942 iro uuîhes uuard, | thar lêddun ina uulanke man,
4943 erlos undar ederos. | Thar uuas êld mikil,
4944 fiur an frîdhob=e | themu folke tegegnes,
4945 geuuarht for themu uuerode: | thar gengun sie im uuermien tô,
4946 Iudeo liudi, | lêtun thene godes sunu
4947 bîdon an bendiun. | Uuas thar braht mikil,
4948 gêlmôdigaro galm. | Iohannes uuas êr
4949 themu hêroston cûð: | bethiu môste he an thene hof innan
4950 thringan mid theru thioda. | Stôd allaro thegno bezto,
4951 Petrus thar ûte: | ni lêt ina the portun uuard
4952 folgon is frôen, | êr it at is friunde abad,
4953 Iohannes at ênumu Iudeon, | that man ina gangan lêt
4954 forð an thene frîdhof. | Thar quam im ên fêkni uuîf
4955 gangan tegegnes, | thiu ênas Iudeon uuas,
4956 iro theodanes thiuu, | endi thô te themu thegne sprac
4957 magad unuuânlîc: ` | huat, thu mahtis man uuesan,' quað siu,
4958 `giungaro fan Galilea, | thes the thar genouuer stêd
4959 faðmun gifastnod.' | Thô an forhtun uuarð
4960 Sîmon Petrus sân, | slac an is môde,
4961 quað that he thes uuîb=es | uuord ni bikonsti
4962 ni thes theodanes | thegan ni uuâri:
4963 mêd= is thô for theru menegi, | quað that he thena man ni antkendi:
4964 `ni sind mi thîne quidi kûðe,' quað he; | uuas imu thiu craft godes,
4965 the herdislo fan themu hertan. | Huarab=ondi geng
4966 forð undar themu folke, | antat he te themu fiure quam;
4967 giuuet ina thô uuarmien. | Thar im ôk ên uuîf bigan
4968 felgian firinsprâka: | `hêr mugun gi,' quað siu, `an iuuuan fîund sehan:
4969 thit is gegnungo | giungaro Kristes,
4970 is selb=es gesîð.' | Thô gengun imu sân aftar thiu
4971 nâhor nîðhuata | endi ina niudlîco
4972 frâgodun fîundo barn, | huilikes he folkes uuâri:
4973 'ni bist thu thesoro burgliudio,' quâðun sie; | `that mugun uui an thinumu gibârie gisehan.
4974 an thînun uuordun endi an thînaru uuîson, | that thu theses uuerodes ni bist,
4975 ac thu bist galilêisk man.' | He ni uuelda thes thô gehan eouuiht,
4976 ac stôd thô endi strîdda | endi starkan êð
4977 suîðlîco gesuôr, | that he thes gesîðes ni uuâri.
4978 Ni habda is uuordo geuuald: | it scolde giuuerðen sô,
4979 it the gemarcode, | the mankunnies
4980 faruuardot an thesaru uueroldi. | Thô quam imu ôk an themu uuarb=e
4981 thes mannes mâguuini, | the he êr mid is mâkeo giheu,
4982 suerdu thiu scarpon, | quað that he ina sâhi thar
4983 an themu berge uppan, | `thar uui an themu bômgardon
4984 hêrron thînumu | hendi bundun,
4985 fastnodun is folmos.' | He thô thurh forhtan hugi
4986 forlôgnide thes is liob=es hêrron, | quað that he uueldi uuesan thes lîb=es scolo,
4987 ef it mahti ênig thar | irminmanno
4988 giseggian te sôðan, | that he thes gesîðes uuâri,
4989 folgodi theru ferdi. | Thô uuarð an thena formon sîð
4990 hanocrâd afhab=en. | Thô sah the hêlago Crist,
4991 barno that bezte, | thar he gebunden stôð,
4992 selb=o te Sîmon Petruse, | sunu drohtines
4993 te themu erle ob=ar is ahsla. | Thô uuarð imu an innan sân,
4994 Sîmon Petruse | sêr an is môde,
4995 harm an is hertan | endi is hugi drôb=i,
4996 suîðo uuarð imu an sorgun, | that he êr selb=o gesprak:
4997 gihugde thero uuordo thô, | the imu êr uualdand Krist
4998 selb=o sagda, | that he an theru suartan naht
4999 êr hanocrâdi | is hêrron scoldi
5000 thrîuuo farlôgnien. | Thes thram imu an innan môd
5001 bittro an is breostun, | endi geng imu thô gibolgan thanen
5002 the man fan theru menigi | an môdkaru,
5003 suîðo an sorgun, | endi is selb=es uuord,
5004 uuamscefti uueop, | antat imu uuallan quâmun
5005 thurh thea hertcara | hête trahni,
5006 blôdage fan is breostun. | He ni uuânde that he is mahti gibôtien uuiht,
5007 firinuuerco furður | eftha te is frâhon kuman,
5008 hêrron huldi: | nis ênig heliðo ald,
5009 that io mannes sunu | mêr gisâhi
5010 is selb=es uuord | sêrur hreuuan,
5011 karon eftha kûmien: | `uuola crafteg god,' quað he,
5012 `that ik hebbiu mi foruuerkot, | ik mînaro uueroldes ni tharf
5013 ôlat seggean. | Ef ik nu te aldre scal
5014 huldeo thînaro | endi heb=enrîkeas,
5015 theoden, tholoian, | than ni tharf mi thes ênig thanc uuesan,
5016 liob=o drohtin, | that ik io te thesumu liohte quam.
5017 Ni bium ik nu thes uuirðig, | uualdand frô mîn,
5018 that ik under thîne iungaron | gangan môti,
5019 thus sundig under thîne gesîðos: | ik iro selb=o scal
5020 mîðan an mînumu môde, | nu ik mi sulic mên gesprac.'
5021 gornode | gumono bezta,
5022 hrau im hardo, | that he habde is hêrren thô
5023 leob=es farlôgnid. | Than ni thurb=un thes liudio barn,
5024 uueros uundroian, | behuî it uueldi god,
5025 that liob=en man | lêð gistôdi,
5026 that he hônlîco | hêrron sînes
5027 thurh thera thiuun uuord, | thegno snellost,
5028 farlôgnide liob=es: | it uuas al bi thesun liudiun giduan,
5029 firiho barnun te frumu. | He uuelde ina te furiston dôan,
5030 hêrost ob=ar is hîuuiski, | hêlag drohtin:
5031 lêt ina gekunnon, | huilike craft hab=et
5032 the mennisca môd | âno the maht godes;
5033 lêt ina gesundion, | that he sîðor thiu bet
5034 liudiun gilôb=di, | huô liof is thar
5035 manno gihuilicumu, | than he mên gefrumit,
5036 that man ina alâte | lêðes thinges,
5037 sacono endi sundeono, | im thô selb=o dede
5038 heb=enrl^ki god | harmgeuurhti.
[Fitt 60] [Fitt index]