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Fitt 58

4810b Uuîsde im Iudas,
4811 gramhugdig man; | Iudeon aftar sigun,
4812 fîundo folcscepi; | drôg man fiur an gimang,
4813 logna an liohtfatun, | lêdde man faklon
4814 brinnandea fan burg, | thar sie an thene berg uppan
4815 stigun mid strîdu. | Thea stedi uuisse Judas uuel,
4816 huar he thea liudi | lêdean scolde.
4817 Sagde imu thô te têkne, | thô sie thar fôrun
4818 themu folke biforan, | te thiu that sie ni farfengin thar,
4819 erlos ôðren man: | `ik gangu imu at êrist tô,' quað he,
4820 `cussiu ine endi quaddiu: | that is Crist selb=o.
4821 Thene gi fâhen sculun | folco craftu,
4822 binden ina uppan themu berge | endi ina te burg hinan
4823 lêdien undar thea liudi: | he is lîb=es hab=ad
4824 mid is uuordun faruuerkod.' | Uuerod sîðode thô,
4825 antat sie te Criste | kumane uurðun,
4826 grim folc Iudeono, | thar he mid is iungarun stôd,
4827 mâri drohtin: | bêd metodogiscapu,
4828 torhtero tîdeo. | Thô geng imu treulôs man,
4829 Iudas tegegnes | endi te themu godes barne
4830 hnêg mid is hôb=du | endi is hêrron quedde,
4831 custe ina craftagne | endi is quidi lêste,
4832 uuîsde ina themu uuerode, | al he êr mid uuordun gehêt.
4833 That tholode al mid githuldiun | thiodo drohtin,
4834 uualdand thesara uueroldes | endi sprak imu mid is uuordun tô,
4835 frâgode ine frôkno: | `behuî kumis thu mid thius folcu te mi,
4836 behuî lêdis thu mi these liudi | endi mi te thesare lêðan thiode
4837 farcôpos mid thînu kussu | under thit kunni Iudeono,
4838 meldos mi te thesaru menegi?' | Geng imu thô uuið thea man sprekan,
4839 uuið that uuerod ôðar | endi sie mid is uuordun fragn,
4840 huene sie mid thiu gesîðiu | sôkean quâmin
4841 niudlico an naht, | `so gi uuillean nôd frummien
4842 manno huilicumu.' | Thô sprak imu eft thiu menegi angegin,
4843 quâðun that im hêleand thar | an themu holme uppan
4844 geuuîsid uuâri, | `the thit giuuer frumid
4845 Iudeo liudiun | endi ina godes sunu
4846 selb=on hêtid. | Ina quâmun uui sôkean herod,
4847 uueldin ina gerno bigeten: | he is fan Galileo lande,
4848 fan Nazarethburg.' | im thô the neriendio Crist
4849 sagde te sôðan, | that he it selb=o uuas,
4850 uurðun thô an forhtun | folc Iudeono,
4851 uurðun underbadode, | that sie under bac fellun
4852 alle efno sân, | erðe gisôhtun,
4853 uuiðeruuardes that uuerod: | ni mahte that uuord godes,
4854 thie stemnie antstandan: | uuârun thoh strîdige man,
4855 ahliopun eft up an themu holme, | hugi fastnodun,
4856 bundun briostgithâht, | gibolgane gengun
4857 nâhor mid nîðu, | anttat sie thene neriendion Crist
4858 uuerodo biuurpun. | Stôdun uuîse man,
4859 suîðo gornundie | giungaron Kristes
4860 biforan theru dereb=eon dâdi | endi te iro drohtine sprâkun:
4861 `uuâri it nu thîn uuillio,' quâðun sie, | `uualdand frô mîn,
4862 that sie ûs hêr an speres ordun | spildien môstin
4863 uuâpnun uunde, | than ni uuâri ûs uuiht gôd,
4864 that uui hêr for ûsumu drohtine | dôan môstin
4865 beniðiun blêka'. | Thô gibolgan uuarð
4866 snel suerdthegan, | Sîmon Petrus,
4867 uuell imu innan hugi, that he ni mahte ênig uuord sprekan:
4868 harm uuarð imu an is hertan, | that man is hêrron thar
4869 binden uuelde. | Thô he gibolgan geng,
4870 suîðo thrîstmôd thegan | for is thiodan standen,
4871 hard for is hêrron: | ni uuas imu is hugi tuîfli,
4872 blôð an is breostun, | ac he is bil atôh,
4873 suerd bi sîdu, | slôg imu tegegnes
4874 an thene furiston fîund | folmo crafto,
4875 that thô Malchus uuarð | mâkeas eggiun,
4876 an thea suîðaron half | suerdu gimâlod:
4877 thiu hlust uuarð imu farhauuan, | he uuarð an that hôb=id uund,
4878 that imu herudrôrag | hlear endi ôre
4879 beniuundun brast: | blôd aftar sprang,
4880 uuell fan uundun. | Thô uuas an is uuangun scard
4881 the furisto thero fîundo. | Thô stôd that folc an rûm:
4882 andrêdun im thes billes biti. | Thô sprak that barn godes
4883 selb=o te Sîmon Petruse, | hêt that he is suerd dedi
4884 skarp an skêd=ia: | `ef ik uuið thesa scola uueldi,' quað he,
4885 `uuið theses uuerodes geuuin | uuîgsaca frummien,
4886 than manodi ik thene mâreon | mahtigne god,
4887 hêlagne fader | an himilrîkea,
4888 that he mi managan engil herod | ob=ana sandi
4889 uuîges uuîsen, | ni mahtin iro uuâpanthreki
4890 man adôgen: | iro ni stôdi gio sulic megin samad,
4891 folkes gifastnod, | that im iro ferh aftar thiu
4892 uuerðen mahti. | Ac it hab=ad uualdand god,
4893 alomahtig fader | an ôðar gimarkot,
4894 that uui githoloian sculun, | huat ûs thius thioda
4895 bittres brengit: | ni sculun ûs belgan uuiht,
4896 uurêd=ean uuið iro geuuinne; | huand hue uuâpno nîð,
4897 grimman gêrheti | uuili gerno frummien,
4898 he suiltit imu eft | suerdes eggiun,
4899 dôit im bidrôregan: | uui mid ûsun dâdiun ni sculun
4900 uuiht auuerdian.' | Geng he thô te themu uundon manne,
4901 legde mid listiun | lîk tesamne,
4902 hôb=iduundon, | that siu sân gihêlid uuarð,
4903 thes billes biti, | endi sprak that barn godes
4904 uuið that uurêðe uu | erod: | `mi thunkid uunder mikil,' quað he,
4905 `ef gi mi lêðes uuiht lêstien uueldun,
4906 huî gi mi thô ni fengun, | than ik undar iuuuomu folke stôd,
4907 an themu uuîhe innan | endi thar uuord manag
4908 sôðlîc sagde. | Than uuas sunnon skîn,
4909 diurlic dages lioht, | than ni uueldun gi mi dôan eouuiht
4910 lêðes an thesumu liohte, | ndi nu lêdiad mi iuuua liudi
4911 an thiustrie naht, | al man thiob=e dôt,
4912 than man thene fâhan uuili | endi he is ferhes hab=ad
4913 faruuerkot, uuamscaðo.' | Uuerod Iudeono
4914 gripun thô an thene godes sunu, | grimma thioda,
4915 hatandiero hôp, | huurb=un ina umbi
4916 môdag manno folc | -- mênes ni sâhun --,
4917 heftun herubendiun | handi tesamne,
4918 faðmos mid fitereun. | Im ni uuas sulicaro firinquâla
4919 tharf te githolonne, | thiodarb=edies,
4920 te uuinnanne sulic uuîti, | ac he it thurh thit uuerod deda,
4921 huand he liudio barn | lôsien uuelda,
4922 halon fan helliu an | himilrîki,
4923 an thene uuîdon uuelon: | bethiu he thes uuiht ne bisprak,
4924 thes sie imu thurh inuuidnîð | ôgean uueldun.
[Fitt 59] [Fitt index]