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Fitt 54

4452 PASSIO. gefragn ik that them rinkun tho | rîki drohtin
4453 umbi thesaro uueroldes giuuand | uuordun talde,
4454 huô thiu forð ferid, | than lango the sie firiho barn
4455 ardon môtun, | ia huô siu an themu endie scal
4456 teglîden endi tegangen. | He sagde ôk is iungarun thar
4457 uuârun uuordun: | `huat, gi uuitun alle,' quað he,
4458 `that nu ob=ar tuâ naht sind | tîdi kumana,
4459 Giudeono pascha, | that sie sculun iro gode thionon,
4460 uueros an themu uuîhe. | Thes nis geuuand ênig,
4461 that thar uuirðid mannes sunu | te theru meginthiodu
4462 craftag farkôpot | endi an crûce aslagan,
4463 tholod thiadquâla.' | Thô uuarð thar thegan manag
4464 slîðmôd gisamnod, | sûðarliudio,
4465 Iudeono gumscepi, | thar sie scoldun iro gode thionon.
4466 Uurðun êosagon | alle kumane,
4467 an uuarfuueros, | the sie thô uuîsostun
4468 undar theru menegi | manno taldun,
4469 craftag kuniburd. | Thar Caiphas uuas,
4470 biscop thero liudio. | Sie rêdun thô an that barn godes,
4471 huô sie ina asluogin | sundea lôsan,
4472 quaðun that sie ina an themu hêlagon daga | hrînen ni scoldin
4473 undar thero manno menegi, | `that ni uuerðe thius meginthioda,
4474 heliðos an hrôru, | huand ina thit heriscepi uuili
4475 farstanden mid strîdu, | Uui stillo sculun
4476 frêson is ferahes, | that thit folc Iudeono
4477 an thesun uuîhdagun | uurôht ni afhebbien.'
4478 Thô geng imu thar Iûdas forð, | iungaro Kristes,
4479 ên thero tuelib=io, | thar that aðali sat,
4480 Iudeono gumscepi; | quað that he is im gôdan râd
4481 seggian mahti: | `huat uuilliad gi mi sellien hêr,' quað he,
4482 `mêðmo te mêdu, | ef ik iu thene man gib=u
4483 âno uuîg endi âno uurôht?' | Thô uuarð thes uuerodes hugi,
4484 thero liudio an lustun: | `ef thu uuili gilêstien sô,' quâðun sie,
4485 `thîn uuord giuuâron, | than thu giuuald hab=es,
4486 huat thu at thesaru | thiodu | thiggean uuillies
4487 gôdaro mêðmo.' Thô gihêt imu that gumscepi thar
4488 an is selb=es dôm | silub=arscatto
4489 thrîtig atsamne, | endi he te theru thiodu gisprak
4490 dereb=eun uuordun, | that he gâb=i is drohtin uuið thiu.
4491 Uuende ina thô fan themu uuerode: | uuas im uurêð hugi,
4492 talode im treulôs, | huan êr uurði imu thiu tîd kuman,
4493 that he ina mahti faruuîsien | uurêðaro thiodo,
4494 fîundo folke. | Than uuisse that friðubarn godes,
4495 uuâr uualdand Krist, | that he these uuerold scolde,
4496 ageb=en these gardos | endi sôkien imu godes rîki,
4497 gifaren is faderoðil. | Thô ni gisah ênig firiho barno
4498 mêron minnie, | than he thô te them mannun ginam,
4499 te them is gôdun iungaron: | gôme uuarhte,
4500 sette sie suâslîco | endi im sagde filu
4501 uuâroro uuordo. | Skrêd uuester dag,
4502 sunne te sedle. | Thô he selb=o gibôd,
4503 uualdand mid is uuordun, | hêt im uuater dragan
4504 hluttar te handun, | endi rês thô the hêlago Crist,
4505 the gôdo at them gômun | endi thar is iungarono thuôg
4506 fôti mid is folmun | endi suarf sie mid is fanon aftar,
4507 druknide sie diurlîca. | Thô uuið is drohtin sprak
4508 Sîmon Petrus: | `ni thunkid mi thit sômi thing,' quað he,
4509 `frô mîn the gôdo, | that thu mîne fôti thuahes
4510 mid them thînun hêlagun handun,' | Thô sprak imu eft is hêrro angegin,
4511 uualdand mid is uuordun: | `ef thu is uuillean ni hab=es,' quað he,
4512 `te antfâhanne, | that ik thîne fôti thuahe
4513 thurh sulica minnea, | ik thesun ôðrun mannun hêr
4514 dôm thurh diurða, | than ni hab=es thu ênigan dêl mid mi
4515 an heb=enrîkea.' | Hugi uuarð thô giuuendid
4516 Sîmon Petruse: | `thu hab=a thi selb=o giuuald,' quað he,
4517 `fro mîn the gôdo, | fôto endi hando || endi mînes hôb=des sama, | handun thînun,
4518 thiadan, te thuahanne, | te thiu that ik môti thîna forð
4519 huldi hebbian | endi heb=enrîkies
4520 sulic gidêli, | thu mi, drohtin, uuili
4521 fargeb=en thurh thîna gôdi.' | Iungaron Kristes,
4522 thene ambahtscepi | erlos tholodun,
4523 thegnos mid githuldeon, | huat im iro thiodan dede,
4524 mahtig thurh thea minnea, | endi mênde imu al mêra thing
4525a firihon te gifrummienne. |
[Fitt 55] [Fitt index]