[Back to Fitt 51]

Fitt 52

4294 Thô im anduuordi | alouualdo Krist
4295 gôdlîc fargaf | them gumun selb=o:
4296 `that hab=ad bidernid,' quað he, `drohtin the gôdo
4297 iac hardo farholen | himilrîkies fader,
4298 uualdand thesaro uueroldes, | that uuiten ni mag
4299 ênig mannisc harn, | huan thiu mârie tîd
4300 giuuirðid an thesaru uueroldi, | ne it ôk te uuâran ni kunnun
4301 godes engilos, | thie for imu geginuuarde
4302 simlun sindun: | sie it ok giseggian ni mugun
4303 te uuâran mid iro uuordun, | huan that giuuerðen sculi,
4304 that he uuillie an thesan middilgard, | mahtig drohtin,
4305 firiho fandon. | Fader uuêt it êno
4306 hêlag fan himile: | elcur is it biholen allun,
4307 quikun endi dôdun, | huan is kumi uuerðad,
4308 Ik mag iu thoh gitellien, | hulic hêr têcan biforan
4309 giuuerðad uunderlîc, | êr than he an these uuerold kume
4310 an themu mâreon daga: | that uuirðid hêr êr an themu mânon skîn
4311 iac an theru sunnon same; | gisuerkad siu dêðiu,
4312 mid finistre uuerðad bifanga; | fallad sterron,
4313 huît heb=entungal, | endi hrisid erðe,
4314 bib=od thius brêde uuerold | - uuirðid sulicaro bôkno filu -:
4315 grimmid the grôto sêo, | uuirkid thie geb=enes strôm
4316 egison mid is ûðiun | erðbûandiun.
4317 Than thorrot thiu thiod | thurh that gethuing mikil,
4318 folc thurh thea forhta: | than nis friðu huergin,
4319 ac uuirðid uuîg maneg | ob=ar these uuerold alla
4320 hetelîc afhaben, | endi heri lêdid
4321 kunni ob=ar ôðar: | uuirðid kuningo giuuin,
4322 meginfard mikil: | uuirðid managoro qualm,
4323 open urlagi | - that is egislîc thing,
4324 that io sulik morð sculun | man afhebbien
4325 uuirðid uuôl mikil | ob=ar these uuerold alle,
4326 mansterb=ono mêst, | thero the gio an thesaru middilgard
4327 suulti thurh suhti: | liggiad seoka man,
4328 driosat endi dôiat | endi iro dag endiad,
4329 fulliad mid iro ferahu; | ferid unmet grôt
4330 hungar hetigrim | ob=ar heliðo barn,
4331 metigêdeono mêst: | nis that minniste
4332 thero uuîteo an thesaru uueroldi, | the hêr giuuerðen sculun
4333 êr dômes dage. | huan gi thea dâdi gisehan
4334 giuuerðen an thesaru uueroldi, | mugun gi than te uuâran farstanden,
4335 that that the lazto dag | liudiun hâhid
4336 mâri te mannun | endi maht godes,
4337 himilcraftes hrôri | endi thes hêlagon kumi,
4338 drohtines mid is diuriðun. | Huat, gi thesaro dâdeo mugun
4339 bi thesun bômun | biliði antkennien:
4340 than sie brustiad endi blôiat | endi bladu tôgeat,
4341 lôf antlûkad, | than uuitun liudio barn,
4342 that than is san after thiu | sumer ginâhid
4343 uuarm endi uunsam | endi uueder scôni.
4344 uuitin ok bi thesun têknun, | the ik iu talde hêr,
4345 huan the lazto dag | liudiun nâhid.
4346 Than seggio ik iu te uaâran, | that êr thit uuerod ni môt,
4347 tefaran thit folcscepi, | êr than uuerðe gefullid sô,
4348 mînu uuord giuuârod. | Noh giuuand kumid
4349 himiles endi erðun, | endi steid mîn hêlag uuord
4350 fast forðuuardes | endi uuerðid al gefullod sô,
4351 gilêstid an thesumu liohte, | ik for thesun liudiun gespriku.
4352 Uuacot gi uuarlîco: | iu is uuiscumo
4353 duomdag the mâreo | endi iuuues drohtines craft,
4354 thiu mikilo meginstrengi | endi thiu mârie tîd,
4355 giuuand thesaro uueroldes. | Fora thiu gi uuardon sculun,
4356 that he iu slâpandie | an suefrestu
4357 fârungo ni bifahe | an firinuuercun,
4358 mênes fulle. | Mûtspelli cumit
4359 an thiustrea naht, | al thiof ferid
4360 darno mid is dâdiun, | kumid the dag mannun,
4361 the lazto theses liohtes, | it êr these liudi ni uuitun,
4362 samo thiu flôd deda | an furndagun,
4363 the thar mid lagustrômun | liudi farteride
4364 bi Nôeas tîdiun, | biûtan that ina neride god
4365 mid is hîuuiskea, | hêlag drohtin,
4366 uuið thes flôdes farm: | uuarð ôk that fiur kuman
4367 hêt fan himile, | that thea hôhon burgi
4368 umbi Sodomo land | suart logna bifeng
4369 grim endi grâdag, | that thar nênig gumono ni ginas
4370 biûtan Loth êno: | ina antlêddun thanen
4371 drohtines engilos | endi is dohter tuâ
4372 an ênan berg uppen: | that ôðar al brinnandi fiur,
4373 ia land ia liudi | logna farteride:
4374 fârungo uuarð that fiur kumen, | uuarð êr the flôd samo:
4375 uuirðid the lazto dag. | For thiu scal allaro liudio gehuilic
4376 thenkean fora themu thinge; | thes is tharf mikil
4377 manno gehuilicumu: | bethiu lâtad iu an iuuuan môd sorga.
[Fitt 53] [Fitt index]