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Fitt 46

3758b Stôd imu thô fora themu uuîhe | uualdandeo Crist,
3759 liof landes uuard, | endi imu thero liudio hugi,
3760 iro uuilleon aftaruuarode: | gisah uuerod mikil
3761 an that mârie hûs | mêðmos fôrien,
3762 geb=on mid goldu | endi mid goduuuebbiu,
3763 diuriun fratahun. | That al drohtin Crist
3764 uuarode uuîslîco. | Thô quam thar ôk ên uuidouua tô,
3765 idis armscapen, | endi te themu alaha geng
3766 endi siu an that tresurhûs | tuêne legde
3767 êrîne scattos: | uuas iru ênfald hugi,
3768 uuillean gôdes. | Thô sprak uualdand Crist,
3769 the gumo uuið is giungaron, | quað that siu thar geb=a brâhti
3770 mêron mikilu | than elcor ênig mannes sunu:
3771 `ef hêr ôdaga man,' quað he, | `êra brâhtun,
3772 mêðomhord manag, | sie lêtun im mêr at hûs
3773 uuelona geuunnen. | Ni dede thius uuidouua sô,
3774 ac siu te thesumu alahe gaf | al that siu habde
3775 uuelono geuunnen, | siu iru uuiht ni farlêt
3776 gôdes an iro gardun. | Bethiu sind ira geb=a mêron,
3777 uualdande uuerða, | huand siu it mid sulicumu uuilleon dede
3778 te thesumu godes hûse. | Thes scal siu geld niman,
3779 suîðo langsam lôn, | thes siu sulican gilôb=on hab=ad.'
3780 gifragn ik that thar an themu uuîhe | uualdandeo Crist
3781 allaro dago gehuilikes, | drohtin manno,
3782 uuîsde mid uuordun. | Stôd ine uuerod umbi,
3783 grôt folc Iudeono, | gihôrdun is gôdan uuord,
3784 suôtea seggian. | Sum sâlig uuarð
3785 manno undar theru menegi, | that it bigan an is môd hladen;
3786 lînodun im thea lêra, | the the landes uuard
3787 al be biliðiun sprak, | barn drohtines.
3788 Sumun uuârun eft so lêða | lêra Cristes,
3789 uualdandes uuord: | uuas im uuiðermôd hugi
3790 allun them, the an themu heriskepi | hêrost uuârun,
3791 furiston an themu folke: | fâres hugdun
3792 uurêða mid iro uuordun -- | habdun im uuiðersakon
3793 gihaloden te helpu, | thes hêroston man,
3794 Erodeses thegan, | the thar anduuard stôd
3795 uurêðes uuillean, | that he iro uuord ob=arhôrdi --
3796 ef sie ina forfengin, | that sie ina than feteros an,
3797 thea liudi liðobendi | leggien môstin,
3798 sundea lôsan. | Thô gengun im thea gesîðos
3799 bittra gihugde, | that sie uuið that barn godes,
3800 uurêða uuiðersakon | uuordun sprâkun:
3801 `huat, thu bist êosago,' quâðun sie, | `allun thiodun,
3802 uuîsis uuâres filu: | nis thi uuerð eouuiht
3803 te bimîðanne | manno niênumu
3804 umbi is rîkidôm, | neb=o thu simlun that reht sprikis
3805 endi an thene godes uueg | gumono gesîði
3806 lêdis mid thinun lêrun: | ni mag thi laster man
3807 fîd=an undar thesumu folke. | Nu uui thi frâgon sculun.
3808 rîki thiodan, | huilic reht hab=ad
3809 the kêsur fan Rûmu, | the imu te thesumu kunnie herod
3810 tinsi sôkid | endi gitald hab=ad,
3811 huat uui imu gelden sculin | gêro gehuilikes
3812 hôb=idscatto. | Saga huat thi thes an thînumu hugi thunkea:
3813 is it reht the nis? | Râd for thînun
3814 landmêgun uuel: | ûs is thînaro lêrono tharf.'
3815 Sie uueldun that he it antquâði: | than mahte he thoh antkennien uuel
3816 iro uurêðon uuilleon: | `te huî gi uuârlogon,' quað he,
3817 `fandot mîn frôkno? | Ni scal iu that te frumu uuerðen,
3818 that gi dreogerias | darnungo nu
3819 uuilliad mi farfâhen.' | Hêt he thô forð dragan
3820 te scauuonne the scattos, ` | the gi sculdige sind
3821 an that geld geb=en.' | Iudeon drôgun
3822 ênna silub=rinna forð: | sâhun manage tô,
3823 huô he uuas gemunitod: | uuas an middien skîn
3824 thes kêsures biliði -- | that mahtun sie antkennien uuel --,
3825 iro hêrron hôb=idmâl. | Thô frâgode sie the hêlago Crist,
3826 aftar huemu thiu gelîcnessi | gilegid uuâri.
3827 Sie quâðun that it uuâri | uueroldkêsures
3828 fan Rûmuburg, | `thes the alles theses rîkes hab=ad
3829 geuuald an thesaru uueroldi.' | `Than uuilliu ik iu te uuârun hêr', quað
3830 `selb=o seggian, | that gi imu sîn geb=ad,
3831 uueroldhêrron is geuunst, | endi uualdand gode
3832 selliad, that thar sîn ist: | that sculun iuuua seolon uuesen,
3833 gumono gêstos.' | Thô uuarð thero Iudeono hugi
3834 geminsod an themu mahle: | ni mahtun the mênscaðon
3835 uuordun geuuinnen, | iro uuilleo geng,
3836 that sie ina farfengin, | huand imu that friðubarn godes
3837 uuardode uuið the uurêðon | endi im uuâr angegin,
3838 sôðspel sagde, | thoh sie ni uuârin sâlige te thiu,
3839 that sie it farfengin, | it iro fruma uuâri,
[Fitt 47] [Fitt index]