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Fitt 41

3305 Imu anduuordiade | erthungan gumo,
3306 Sîmon Petrus, | endi seggean bad
3307 leob=an hêrron: | 'huat sculun uui thes te lône nimen,' quað he,
3308 'gôdes te gelde, | thes uui thurh thîn iungardom
3309 êgan endi erb=i | al farlêtun
3310 hob=os endi hîuuiski | endi thi te hêrron gicurun,
3311 folgodun thînaru ferdi: | huat scal ûs thes te frumu uuerðen,
3312 langes te lône?' | Liudeo drohtin
3313 sagde im thô selb=o: | 'than ik sittien kumu,' quað he,
3314 'an thie mikilan maht | an themu mârean dage,
3315 thar ik allun scal | irminthiodun
3316 domos adêlien, | than môtun gi mid iuuuomu drohtine thar
3317 selb=on sittien | endi môtun thera saca uualdan:
3318 môtun gi Israhelo | eðilifolcun
3319 adêlien aftar iro dâdiun: | môtun gi thar gidiuride uuesen.
3320 Than seggiu ik iu te uuâran: | hue that an thesaru uueroldi giduot,
3321 that he thurh mîna minnea | mâgo gesidli
3322 liof farlêtid, | thes scal hi hêr lôn niman
3323 tehan sîðun tehinfald, | ef he it mid treuuon duot,
3324 mid hluttru hugi. | Ob=ar that hab=ad he ôk himiles lioht,
3325 open êuuig 1îf.' | Bigan imu thô aftar thiu
3326 allaro barno bezt | ên biliði seggian,
3327 quað that thar ên ôdag man | an êrdagun
3328 uuâri undar themu uuerode: | `the habde uuelono genôg,
3329 sinkas gisamnod | endi imu simlun uuas
3330 garu mid goldu | endi mid godouuebbiu,
3331 fagarun fratahun | endi imu so filu habde
3332 gôdes an is gardun | endi imu at gômun sat
3333 allaro dago gehuilikes: | habde imu diurlîc lîf,
3334 blîðsea an is benkiun. | Than uuas thar eft ên biddiendi man,
3335 gilêb=od an is lîchamon, | Lazarus uuas he hêten,
3336 lag imu dago gehuilikes | at them durun foren,
3337 thar he thene ôdagan man | inne uuisse
3338 an is gestseli | gôme thiggean,
3339 sittien at sumble, | endi he simlun bêd
3340 giarmod thar ûte: | ni môste thar in cuman,
3341 ne he ni mahte gebiddien, | that man imu thes brôdes tharod
3342 gidragan uueldi, | thes thar fan themu diske niðer
3343 antfel undar iro fôti: | ni mahte imu thar ênig fruma uuerðen
3344 fan themu hêroston, the thes hûses giuueld, | biûtan that thar gengun is hundos tô,
3345 likkodun is lîkuundon, | thar he liggiandi
3346 hungar tholode; | ni quam imu thar te helpu uuiht
3347 fan themu rîkeon manne. | Thô gifragn ik that ina is reganogiscapu,
3348 thene armon man | is êndago
3349 gimanoda mahtiun suîð, | that he manno drôm
3350 ageb=en scolde. | Godes engilos
3351 antfengun is ferh | endi lêddun ine forð thanen,
3352 that sie an Abrahames barm | thes armon mannes
3353 siole gisettun: | thar môste he simlun forð
3354 uuesen an uunniun, | Thô quâmun ôk uurdegiscapu,
3355 themu ôdagan man | orlaghuîle,
3356 that he thit lioht farlêt: | lêða uuihti
3357 besinkodun is siole | an thene suarton hel,
3358 an that fern innen | fîundun te uuillean,
3359 begrôb=un ine an gramono hêm. | Thanen mahte he thene gôdan scauuon,
3360 Abraham gesehen, | thar he uppe uuas
3361 lîb=es an lustun, | endi Lazarus sat
3362 blîði an is barme, | berht lôn antfeng
3363 allaro is armôdio, | endi lag the ôdago man
3364 hêto an theru helliu, | hriop up thanen:
3365 `fader Abraham,' quað he, | `mi is firinun tharf,
3366 that thu mi an thînumu môdseb=on | mildi uuerðes,
3367 lîði an thesaru lognu: | sendi mi Lazarus herod,
3368 that he gefôrea | an thit fern innan
3369 caldes uuateres. | Ik hêr quic brinnu
3370 hêto an thesaru helliu: | nu is mi thînaro helpono tharf,
3371 that he mi aleskie | mid is lutticon fingru
3372 tungon mîne, | nu siu têkan hab=ad,
3373 ub=il arb=edi. | Inuuidrâdo,
3374 lêðaro sprâka, | alles is mi nu thes lôn cumen.'
3375 Imu anduuordiade thô Abraham -- | that uuas aldfader --:
3376 `gehugi thu an thînumu herton,' quað he, | 'huat thu habdes iu
3377 uuelono an uueroldi. | Huat, thu thar alle thîne uunnea farsliti,
3378 gôdes an gardun, | huat thi gib=iðig forð
3379 uuerðen scolde. | Uuîti tholode
3380 Lazarus an themu liohte, | habde thar lêðes filu,
3381 uuîteas an uueroldi. | Bethiu scal he nu uuelon êgan,
3382 libbien an lustun: | thu scalt thea logna tholan,
3383 brinnendi fiur: | ni mag is thi ênig bôte kumen
3384 hinana te helliu: | it hab=ad the hêlago god
3385 gifastnod mid is faðmun: | ni mag thar faren ênig
3386 thegno thurh that thiustri: | it is hêr thikki undar ûs,'
3387 Thô sprac eft Abrahame | the erl tegegnes
3388 fan theru hêtan hell | endi helpono bad,
3389 that he Lazarus | an liudio drôm
3390 selb=on sandi: | `that he geseggea thar
3391 brôðarun mînun, | huô ik hêr brinnendi
3392 thrâuuerk tholon; | si thar undar theru thiodu sind,
3393 si fîb=i undar themu folke: | ik an forhtun bium,
3394 that sie im thar faruuirkien, | that sie sculin ôk an thit uuîti te mi,
3395 an grâdag fiur.' | Thô imu eft tegegnes sprak
3396 Abraham aldfader, | quað that sie thar êo godes
3397 an themu landskepi, | liudi habdin,
3398 Moyseses gibôd | endi thar managaro
3399 uuârsaguno uuord: | `ef sie is uuillige sind,
3400 that sie that bihalden, | than ni thurb=un sie an thea hell innen,
3401 an that fern faren, | ef sie gefrummiad sô,
3402 thea gebiodad, | the thea bôk lesat
3403 them liudiun te lêrun. | Ef sie thes than ni uuilliad lêstien uuiht,
3404 thanne ni hôriad sie ôk | themu the hinan astâd,
3405 man fan dôðe. | Lâte man sie an iro môdseb=on
3406 selb=on keosen, | hueðer im suôtiera thunkie
3407 te giuuinnanne, | lango sie an thesaru uueroldi sind,
3408 that sie eft ub=il ettha gôd | aftar habbien.''
[Fitt 42] [Fitt index]