[Back to Fitt 49]

Fitt 50

4118 Thô uuarð thar managumu manne | môd aftar Kriste,
4119 gihuorb=en hugiskefti, | sîðor sie is hêlagon uuerk
4120 selb=on gisâhun, | huand eo êr sulic ni uuarð
4121 uunder an uueroldi. | Than uuas eft thes uuerodes filu,
4122 môdstarke man: | ni uueldon the maht godes
4123 antkennien kûðlîco, | ac sie uuið is craft mikil
4124 uunnun mid iro uuordun: | uuârun im uualdandes
4125 lêra so lêða: | sôhtun im liudi ôðra
4126 an Hierusalem, | thar Iudeono uuas
4127 hêri handmahal | endi hôb=idstedi,
4128 grot gumskepi | grimmaro thioda.
4129 Sie kûðdun im thô Kristes uuerk, | quâðun that sie quican sâhin
4130 thene erl mid iro ôgun, | the an erðu uuas,
4131 foldu bifolhen | fiuuuar naht endi dagos,
4132 dôd bidolb=en, | antat he ina mid is dâdiun selb=o,
4133 mid is uuordun auuekide, | that he môsti these uuerold sehan.
4134 Thô uuas that uuid=eruuard | uulankun mannun,
4135 Iudeo liudiun: | hêtun iro gumskepi thô,
4136 uuerod samnoian | endi uuarb=os fâhen,
4137 meginthioda gimang, | an mahtigna Krist
4138 riedun an runun: | `nis that râd ênig,' quâðun sie,
4139 `that uui that githoloian: | uuili thesaro thioda te filu
4140 gilôb=ien aftar is lêrun. | Than ûs liudi farad,
4141 an eoridfolc, | uuerðat ûsa ob=arhôb=dun
4142 rinkos fan Rûmu. | Than uui theses rîkies sculun
4143 lôse libbien | eftha uui sculun ûses lîb=es tholon,
4144 heliðos ûsaro hôb=do.' | Thô sprak thar ên gihêrod man
4145 ob=ar uuarf uuero, | the uuas thes uuerodes thô
4146 an theru burg innan | biscop thero liudio
4147 -- Kaiphas uuas he hêten; | habdun ina gicoranen te thiu
4148 an theru gêrtalu | Iudeo liudi,
4149 that he thes godes hûses | gômien scoldi,
4150 uuardon thes uuîhes --: | mi thunkid uunder mikil,' quað he,
4151 `mâri thioda, -- | gi kunnun manages giskêd= --
4152 huî gi that te uuârun ni uuitin, | uuerod Iudeono,
4153 that hêr is betera râd | barno gehuilicumu,
4154 that man hêr ênne man | aldru bilôsie
4155 endi that he thurh iuuua dâdi | drôreg sterb=e,
4156 for thesumu folcskepi | ferah farlâte,
4157 than al thit liuduuerod | farloren uuerðe.'
4158 Ni uuas it thoh is uuillean, | that he uuâr gesprak,
4159 forð for themu folke, | frume mankunnies
4160 gimênde for theru menegi, | ac it quam imu fan theru maht godes
4161 thurh is hêlagan hêd, | huand he that hûs godes
4162 thar an Hierusalem | bigangan scolde,
4163 uuardon thes uuîhes: | bethiu he uuâr gisprak,
4164 biscop thero liudio, | huô scoldi that barn godes
4165 alla irminthiod | mid is ênes ferhe,
4166 mid is lîb=u alôsien: | that uuas allaro thesaro liudio râd,
4167 huand he gihalode mid thiu | hêd=ina liudi,
4168 uueros an is uuilleon | uualdandio Crist.
4169 Thô uurðun ênuuordie | ob=armôdie man,
4170 uuerod Iudeono, | endi an iro uuarb=e gisprâkun,
4171 mâri thioda, | that sie im ni lêtin iro môd tuehon:
4172 hue ina undar themu folke | finden mahti,
4173 that ina sân gifengi | endi forð brâhti
4174 an thero thiodo thing; | quâðun that sie ni mahtin githoloian leng,
4175 that sie the êno man | alla uueldi,
4176 uuerod faruuinnen. | Than uuisse uualdand Krist
4177 thero manno garo | môdgithâhti,
4178 hetigrimmon hugi, | huand imu ni uuas biholen eouuiht
4179 an thesaru middilgard: | he ni uuelde thô an thie menigi innen
4180 sîður openlîco, | under that erlo folc,
4181 gangan under thea Iudeon: | bêd the godes sunu
4182 thero torohteon tîd, | the imu tôuuard uuas,
4183 that he far thesa thioda | tholoian uuelde,
4184 far thit uuerod uuîti: | uuisse imu selb=o
4185 that dagthingi garo. | Thô giuuêt imu ûse drohtin forð
4186 endi imu thô an Effrem | alouualdo Krist
4187 an theru hôhon burg | hêlag drohtin
4188 uunode mid is uuerodu, | antat he an is uuillean huarf
4189 eft te Bethania | brahtmu thiu mikilun,
4190 mid thiu is gôdum gumscepi. | Iudeon bisprâkun that
4191 uuordu gehuilicu, | thô sie imu sulic uuerod mikil
4192 folgon gisâhun: | `nis frume ênig,' quâðun sie,
4193 'ûses rîkies girâdi, | thoh uui reht sprekan,
4194 ni thîhit ûses thinges uuiht: | thius thiod uuili
4195 uuendien after is uuillean; | imu all thius uuerold folgot,
4196 liudi bi them is lêrun, | that uui imu lêðes uuiht
4197 for thesumu folcscepi | gifrummien ni môtun.'
[Fitt 51] [Fitt index]