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Fitt 43

3516 Hêt imu thô thea is gôdan | iungaron nâhor
3517 tuelib=i gangan | -- thea uuârun imu triuuuiston
3518 man ob=ar erðu --, | sagde im mahtig selb=o
3519 ôðersîðu, | huilic imu thar arb=edi
3520 tôuuard uuârun: ` | thes ni mag ênig tueho uuerðen,' quað he.
3521 Quað that sie thô te Hierusalem | an that Iudeono folc
3522 lîðan scoldin: | `thar uuirðid all gilêstid sô,
3523 gefrumid undar themu folke, | it an furndagun
3524 uuîse man be mi | uuordun gesprâkun.
3525 Thar sculun mi farcôpon | undar thea craftigon thiod,
3526 heliðos te theru hêri; | thar uuerðat mîna hendi gebundana,
3527 faðmos uuerðad mi thar gefastnod; | filu scal ik thar githoloian,
3528 hoskes gihôrien | endi harmquidi,
3529 bismerprâka | endi bihêtuuord manag;
3530 sie uuêgeat mi te uundron | uuâpnes eggiun,
3531 bilosiad mi lîb=u: | ik te thesumu liohte scal
3532 thurh drohtines craft | fan dôðe astanden
3533 an thriddeon dage, | Ni quam ik undar thesa theoda herod
3534 te thiu, that mîn eldibarn | arb=ed habdin,
3535 that mi thionodi thius thiod: | ni uuilliu ik is sie thiggien nu,
3536 fergon thit folcskepi, | ac ik scal imu te frumu uuerðen,
3537 theonon imu theolîco | endi for alla thesa theoda geb=en
3538 seole mîne. | Ik uuilliu sie selb=o nu
3539 lôsien mid mînu lîb=u, | thea hêr lango bidun,
3540 mankunnies manag, | mînara helpa.'
3541 Fôr imu thô forðuuardes | -- habde imu fasten hugi,
3542 blîðean an is breostun | barn drohtines --
3543 uuelda im te Hierusalem | Iudeo folkes
3544 uuilleon uuîsan: | he conste thes uuerodes garo
3545 hetigrimmen hugi | endi hardan strîd,
3546 uurêðan uuilleon. | Uuerod sîðode
3547 furi Hierichoburg; | uuas the godes sunu,
3548 mahtig undar thero menigi. | Thar sâtun tuênie man bi uuege,
3549 blinde uuârun sie bêðie: | uuas im bôtono tharf,
3550 that sie gehêldi | heb=enes uualdand,
3551 huand sie lango | liohtes tholodun,
3552 managa huîla. | Sie gihôrdun thô that megin faren
3553 endi frâgodun sân | firiuuitlîco
3554 reginiblindun, | huilic thar rîki man
3555 undar themu folcskepi | furista uuâri,
3556 hêrost an hôb=id. | Thô sprac im ên helið angegin,
3557 quað that thar Hiesu Crist | fan Galilealande,
3558 hêleandero bezt | hêrost uuâri,
3559 fôri mid is folcu. | Thô uuarð frâhmôd hugi
3560 bêðiun them blindun mannun, | thô sie that barn godes
3561 uuissun under themu uuerode: | hreopun im thô mid iro uuordun tô,
3562 hlûdo te themu hêlagon Criste, | bâdun that he im helpe gerêdi:
3563 `drohtin Dauides sunu: | uuis ûs mid thînun dâdiun mildi,
3564 neri ûs af thesaru nôdi, | thu ginôge dôs
3565 manno kunnies: | thu bist managun gôd,
3566 hilpis endi hêlis,' | Tho bigan im that helid=o folc
3567 uuerien mid uuordun, | that sie an uualdand Krist
3568 hlûdo ni hriopin, | Si ni uueldun im hôrien te thiu,
3569 ac sie simla mêr endi mêr | ob=ar that manno folc
3570 hlûdo hreopun. | Hêleand gestôd,
3571 allaro barno bezt, | hêt sie thô brengien te imu,
3572 lêdien thurh thea liudi, | sprak im listiun
3573 mildlîco for theru menegi: | `huat uuilliad git mînaro hêr,' quað he,
3574 `helpono habbien?' | Sie bâdun ina hêlagna,
3575 that he im ira ôgon | opana gidâdi,
3576 farliuui theses liohtes, | that sie liudio drôm,
3577 suikle sunnun scîn | gisehen môstin,
3578 uulitiscônie uuerold . | Uualdand frumide,
3579 hrên sie thô niid is handun, | dede is helpe thar tô,
3580 that them blindun thô | bêðium uurðun
3581 ôgon gioponod, | that sie erðe endi himil
3582 thurh craft godes | antkiennien mahtun,
3583 lioht endi liudi. | Thô sagdun sie lof gode,
3584 diurdun ûsan drohtin, | thes sie dages liohtes
3585 brûcan môstun: | geuuitun im bêðie mid imu,
3586 folgodun is ferdi: | uuas im thiu fruma gib=iðig,
3587 endi ôk uualdandes uuerk | uuîdo gekûðid,
3588a managun gimârid. |
[Fitt 44] [Fitt index]