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Fitt 34

2799b Thô geuuitun im thea gesîðos thanen,
2800 Iohannes giungaron | giâmermôde,
2801 hêlagferaha: | uuas im iro hêrron dôd=
2802 suîðo an sorgun. | Geuuitun im sôkean thô
2803 an theru uuôstunni | uualdandes sunu,
2804 craftigana Crist | endi imu kûð gidedun
2805 gôdes mannes forgang, | huô habde the Iudeono kuning
2806 manno thene mâreostan | mâkeas eggiun
2807 hôb=du bihauuuan: | he ni uuelde is ênigen harm spreken,
2808 sunu drohtines; | he uuisse that thiu seole uuas
2809 hêlag gihalden | uuiðer hettiandeon,
2810 an friðe uuiðer fîundun. | Thô gifrâgi uuarð
2811 aftar them landskepiun | lêreandero bezt
2812 an theru uuôstunni: | uuerod samnode,
2813 fôr folcun tô: | uuas im firiuuit mikil
2814 uuîsaro uuordo; | imu uuas ôk uuilleo samo,
2815 sunie drohtines, | that he sulic gesîd=o folc
2816 an that lioht godes | lad=oian môsti,
2817 uuennien mid uuilleon. | Uualdand lêrde
2818 allan langan dag | liudi managa,
2819 elitheodige man, | anttat an âb=and sêg
2820 sunne te sedle. | Thô gengun is gesîðos tuelib=i,
2821 gumon te themu godes barne | endi sagdun iro gôdumu hêrron,
2822 mid huilicu arb=ediu thar thea erlos lib=din, | quâðun that sie is êra bithorftin,
2823 uueros an themu uuôsteon lande: | `sie ni mugun sie hêr mid uuihti anthebbien,
2824 heliðos bi hungres gethuinge. | Nu lât thu sie, hêrro the gôdo,
2825 sîðon, thar sie seliða fîðen. | Nâh sind hêr gesetana burgi
2826 managa mid meginthiodun: | thar fîðad sie meti te kôpe,
2827 uueros aftar them uuîkeon.' | Thô sprak eft uualdand Crist,
2828 thioda drohtin, | quað that thes êniga thurufti ni uuârin,
2829 `that sie thurh metilôsi | mîna farlâtan
2830 leob=lîca lêra. | Geb=ad gi thesun liudiun ginôg,
2831 uuenniad sie hêr mid uuilleon.' | Thô habde eft is uuord garu
2832 Philippus frôd gumo, | quað that thar filu uuâri
2833 manno menigi: | `thoh uui hêr te meti habdin
2834 garu im te geb=anne, | uui mahtin fargelden mêst,
2835 ef uui hêr gisaldin | silub=erscatto
2836 tuê hund samad, | tueho uuâri is noh than,
2837 that iro ênig thar | ênes ginâmi:
2838 luttic uuâri that thesun liudiun.' | Thô sprak eft the landes uuard
2839 endi frâgode sie firiuuitlîco,
2840 manno drohtin, | huat sie thar te meti habdin
2841 uuistes geuunnin. | Thô sprak imu eft mid is uuordun angegin
2842 Andreas fora them erlun | endi themu alouualdon
2843 selb=umu sagde, | that sie an iro gisîðie than mêr
2844 garouues ni habdin, | `biûtan girstin brôd
2845 fîb=i an ûsaru ferdi | endi fiscos tuêne.
2846 Huat mag that thoh thesaru menigi?' | Thô sprac imu eft mahtig Krist,
2847 the gôdo godes sunu, | endi hêt that gumono folc
2848 skerien endi skêðen | endi hêt thea scola settien,
2849 erlos aftar theru erðu, irminthioda
2850 an grase gruonimu, | endi thô te is iungarun sprak,
2851 allaro barno bezt, | hêt imu thiu brôd halon
2852 endi thea fiscos forð. | That folc stillo bêd,
2853 sat gesîði mikil; | undar thiu he thurh is selb=es craft,
2854 manno drohtin, | thene meti uuîhide,
2855 hêlag heb=encuning, | endi mid is handun brak,
2856 gaf it is iungarun forð, | endi it sie undar themu gumskepie hêt
2857 dragan endi dêlien. | Sie lêstun iro drohtines uuord,
2858 is geb=a gerno drôgun | gumono gihuemu,
2859 hêlaga helpa. | It undar iro handun uuôhs,
2860 meti manno gihuemu: | theru meginthiodu uuarð
2861 lîf an lustun, | thea liudi uurðun alle,
2862 sade sâlig folc, | huat thar gisamnod uuas
2863 fan allun uuîdun uuegun. | Thô hêt uualdand Krist
2864 gangen is iungaron | endi hêt sie gômien uuel,
2865 that thiu lêb=a thar | farloren ni uurði;
2866 hêt sie thô samnon, | thô thar sade uuârun
2867 mankunnies manag. | Thar môses uuarð,
2868 brôdes te lêb=u, | that man birilos gilas
2869 tuelib=i fulle: | that uuas têcan mikil,
2870 grôt craft godes, | huand thar uuas gumono gitald
2871 âno uuîf endi kind, | uuerodes atsamme
2872 fîf thûsundig. | That folc al farstôd,
2873 thea man an iro môde, | that sie thar mahtigna
2874 hêrron habdun. | Thô sie heb=encuning,
2875 thea liudi lob=odun, | quâðun that gio ni uurd=i an thit lioht cuman
2876 uuîsaro uuârsago, | eftha that he giuuald mid gode
2877 an thesaru middilgard | mêron habdi,
2878 ênfaldaran hugi. | Alle gisprâkun,
2879 that he uuâri uuirðig | uuelono gehuilikes,
2880 that he erðrîki | êgan môsti,
2881 uuîdene uueroldstôl, | `nu he sulic geuuit hab=ad,
2882 grôte craft mid gode.' | Thea gumon alle giuuarð,
2883 that sie ine gihôb=in | te hêrosten,
2884 gikurin ine te cuninge: | that Kriste ni uuas
2885 uuihtes uuirðig, | huand he thit uueroldrîki,
2886 erðe endi uphimil | thurh is ênes craft
2887 selb=o giuuarhte | endi sîðor giheld,
2888 land endi liudskepi, | -- thoh thes ênigan gilôb=on ni dedin
2889 uurêðe uuiðersacon -- | that al an is giuualde stâd,
2890 cuningrîkeo craft | endi kêsurdômes,
2891 meginthiodo mahal. | Bethiu ni uuelde he thurh thero manno sprâka
2892 hebbian ênigan hêrdôm, | hêlag drohtin,
2893 uueroldkuninges namon; | ni he thô mid uuordun strîd
2894 ni afhôf uuið that folc furður, | ac fôr imu thô, thar he uuelde,
2895 an ên gebirgi uppan: | flôh that barn godes
2896 gêlaro gelpquidi | endi is iungaron hêt
2897 ob=ar ênne sêo sîðon | endi im selb=o gibôd,
2898 huar sie im eft tegegnes | gangen scoldin.
[Fitt 35] [Fitt index]