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Fitt 25

2088 Geuuêt imu thô mid is iungoron | fan them gômun forð
2089 Kristus te Capharnaum, | cuningo rîkeost,
2090 te theru mâreon burg. | Megin samnode,
2091 gumon imu tegegnes, | gôdoro manno
2092 sâlig gesîði: | uueldun thiu is suôtean uuord
2093 hêlag hôrien. | Thar im ên hunno quam,
2094 ên gôd man angegin | endi ina gerno bad
2095 helpan hêlagne, | quað that hi undar is hîuuiskea
2096 ênna lêfna lamon | lango habdi,
2097 seocan an is selðon: | `sô ina ênig seggeo ne mag
2098 handun gehêlien. | Nu is im thînoro helpono tharf,
2099 frô mîn the gôdo.' | Thô sprac im eft that friðubarn godes
2100 sân aftar thiu | selb=o tegegnes,
2101 quað that he thar quâmi | endi that kind uueldi
2102 nerean af theru nôdi. | Thô im nâhor geng
2103 the man far theru menigi | uuid= mahtigna
2104 uuordun uuehslan: | `ic thes uuirðig ne bium,' quað he,
2105 `hêrro the gôdo, | that thu an mîn hûs cumes,
2106 sôkeas mîna seliða, | huand ic bium sundig man
2107 mid uuordun endi mid uuercun. | Ic gelôb=iu that thu geuuald hab=as,
2108 that thu ina hinana maht | hêlan geuuirkean,
2109 uualdand frô mîn: | ef thu it mid thînun uuordun gesprikis,
2110 than is sân thiu lêfhêd lôsot | endi uuirðid is lîchamo
2111 hêl endi hrêni, | ef thu im thîna helpa fargib=is.
2112 Ic bium mi ambahtman, | hebbiu mi ôdes genôg,
2113 uuelono geuunnen: | thoh ic undar geuueldi
2114 aðalcuninges, | thoh hebbiu ic erlo getrôst,
2115 holde heririncos, | thea mi gehôriga sint,
2116 that sie thes ne uuord ne uuerc | uuiht ne farlâtad,
2117 thes ic sie an thesumu landskepie | lêstean hête,
2118 ac sie farad endi frummiad | endi eft te iro frôhan cumad,
2119 holde te iro hêrron. | Thoh ic at mînumu hûs êgi
2120 uuîdbrêdene uuelon | endi uuerodes genôg,
2121 heliðos hugiderb=ie, | thoh ni gidar ic thi hêlagna
2122 biddien, barn godes, | that thu an mîn gangas,
2123 sôkeas mîna seliða, | huand ic sundig bium,
2124 uuêt mîna faruurhti.' | Thô sprac eft uualdand Crist,
2125 the gumo uuið is iungoron, | quað that hi an Iudeon huergin
2126 undar Israheles | ab=oron ne fundi
2127 gemacon thes mannes, | the io mêr te gode
2128 an themu landskepi | gelôb=on habdi,
2129 than hluttron te himile: | `nu lâtu ic iu thar hôrien tô,
2130 thar ic it iu te uuârun hîr | uuordun seggeo,
2131 that noh sculun elitheoda | ôstane endi uestane,
2132 mancunnies cuman | manag tesamne,
2133 hêlag folc godes | an heb=enrîki:
2134 thea môtun thar an Abrahames | endi an Isaakes self
2135 endi ôc an Iacobes, | gôdoro manno,
2136 barmun restien | endi bêðiu gethologean,
2137 uuelon endi uuilleon | endi uuonodsam lîf,
2138 gôd lioht mid gode. | Than scal Iudeono filu,
2139 theses rîkeas suni | berôb=ode uuerðen,
2140 bedêlide sulicoro diurðo, | endi sculun an dalun thiustron
2141 an themu alloro ferristan | ferne liggen.
2142 Thar mag man gehôrien | heliðos quîðean,
2143 thar sie iro torn manag | tandon bîtad;
2144 thar ist gristgrimmo | endi grâdag fiur,
2145 hard helleo gethuing, | hêt endi thiustri,
2146 suart sinnahti | sundea te lône,
2147 uurêðoro geuurhteo, | huemu thes uuilleon ne hab=ad,
2148 that he ina alôsie, | êr hi thit lioht ageb=e,
2149 uuendie fan thesoro uueroldi. | Nu maht thu thi an thînan uuilleon forð
2150 sîðon te selðun; | than findis thu gesund at hûs
2151 magoiungan man: | môd is imu an luston,
2152 that barn is gehêlid, | thu bêdi te mi:
2153 it uuirðid al gelêstid, | thu gelôb=on hab=as
2154 an thînumu hugi hardo.' | Thô sagde heb=encuninge,
2155 the ambahtman | alouualdon gode
2156 thanc for thero thiodo, | thes he imu at sulicun tharb=un halp.
2157 Habda tho giârundid, | al he uuelde,
2158 sâliglîco: | giuuêt imu an thana sîð thanan,
2159 uuende an is uuillean, | thar he uuelon êhte,
2160 endi bôdlos:| fand that barn gesund,
2161 kindiungan man. | Kristes uuârun thô
2162 uuord gefullot: | hi geuuald habda
2163 te tôgeanna têcan, | that ni mag gitellien man,
2164 geahton ob=ar thesoro erd=u, | huat he thurh is ênes craft
2165 an thesaro middilgard | mâriða gefrumide,
2166 uundres geuuarhte, | huand al an is geuueldi stâd,
2167a himil endi erðe. |
[Fitt 26] [Fitt index]