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Fitt 15

1211b Oft gededa he that an them lande scîn,
1212 than he thar torhtlîco | manag têcan giuuarhte,
1213 thar he hêlde mid is handun | halte endi blinde,
1214 lôsde af theru lêfhêdi | liudi manage,
1215 af sulicun suhtiun, | than allaro suâroston
1216 an firiho barn | fîund biuurpun,
1217 tulgo langsam legar. | Thô fôrun thar thie liudi
1218 allaro dago gehuuilikes, | thar ûsa drohtin uuas
1219 selb=o undar them gisîðie, | untthat thar gesamnod uuarð
1220 meginfolc mikil | managaro thiodo,
1221 thoh sie thar alle be gelîcumu | gelôb=on ni quâmin,
1222 uueros thurh ênan uuilleon: | sume sôhtun sie that uualdandes barn,
1223 armoro manno filu | -- uuas im âtes tharf --,
1224 that sie im thar at theru menigi | mates endi drankes,
1225 thigidin at theru thiodu; | huuand thar uuas manag thegan gôd,
1226 thie ira alamosnie | armun mannun
1227 gerno gâb=un. | Sume uuârun sie im eft Iudeono cunnies,
1228 fêgni folcskepi: | uuârun thar gefarana te thiu,
1229 that sie ûses drohtines | dâdio endi uuordo
1230 fâron uuoldun, | habdun im fêgnien hugi,
1231 uurêðen uuillion: | uuoldun uualdand Crist
1232 alêdien them liudiun, | that sie is lêron ni hôrdin,
1233 ne uuendin aftar is uuillion. | Suma uuârun sie im eft uuîse man,
1234 uuârun im glauuue gumon | endi gode uuerðe,
1235 alesane undar them liudiun, | quâmun im tharod be them lêron Cristes,
1236 that sie is hêlag uuord | hôrien môstin,
1237 lînon endi lêstien: | habdun mid iro gelôb=on te im
1238 fasto gefangen, | habdun im ferhten hugi,
1239 uuurðun is thegnos te thiu, | that he sie an thioduuelon
1240 aftar iro êndagon | up gebrâhti,
1241 an godes rîki. | He gerno antfeng
1242 mancunnies manag | endi mundburd gihêt
1243 te langaru huîlu, | endi mahta gilêstien uuel.
1244 Thô uuarð thar megin mikil | umbi thana mârion Crist,
1245 liudio gesamnod: | thô gisah he fon allun landun cuman,
1246 fon allun uuîdun uuegun | uuerod tesamne
1247 lungro liudio: | is lof uuas uuîdo
1248 managun gemârid. | Thô giuuêt im mahtig self
1249 an ênna berg uppan, | barno rîkiost,
1250 sundar gesittien, | endi im selb=o gecôs
1251 tuuelib=i getalda, | treuuafta man,
1252 gôdoro gumono, | thea he im te iungoron forð
1253 allaro dago gehuuilikes, | drohtin uuelda
1254 an is gesîðskepea | simblon hebbean.
1255 Nemnida sie thô bi naman | endi hêt sie im thô nâhor gangan,
1256 Andreas endi Petrus | êrist sâna,
1257 gebrôðar tuuêne, | endi bêðie mid im,
1258 Iacobus endi Iohannes: | sie uuârun gode uuerðe;
1259 mildi uuas he im an is môde; | sie uuârun ênes mannes suni
1260 bêðie bi geburdiun; | sie côs that barn godes
1261 gôde te iungoron | endi gumono filu,
1262 mâriero manno: | Mattheus endi Thomas,
1263 Iudasas tuuêna | endi Iacob ôðran,
1264 is selb=es suuiri: | sie uuârun fon gisustruonion tuuêm
1265 cnôsles cumana, | Krist endi Iacob,
1266 gôde gadulingos. | Thô habda thero gumono thar
1267 the neriendo Krist | niguni getalde,
1268 treuuafte man: | thô hêt he ôc thana tehandon gangan
1269 selb=o mid them gisîðun: | Sîmon uuas he hêtan;
1270 hêt ôc Bartholomeus | an thana berg uppan
1271 faran fan them folke âðrum | endi Philippus mid im,
1272 treuuafte man. | Thô gengun sie tuuelib=i samad,
1273 rincos te theru rûnu, | thar the râdand sat,
1274 managoro mundboro, | the allumu mancunnie
1275 uuið hellie gethuuing | helpan uuelde,
1276 formon uuið them ferne, | huuem frummien uuili
1277 liob=lîka lêra, | he them liudiun thar
1278 thurh is giuuit mikil | uuîsean hogda.
[Fitt 16] [Fitt index]