Kessler, Brett, Rebecca Treiman & John Mullennix. 2008. Feedback-consistency effects in single-word reading. In Elena L. Grigorenko & Adam J. Naples (eds.), Single-word reading: Behavioral and biological perspectives, 159−174. New York, NY: Erlbaum.


The goal of this chapter is to examine one of the most intriguing claims that has been made during the past decade of research in single-word reading—the idea that feedback consistency influences fluent adults’ performance. It has been reported in several studies (Lacruz & Folk, 2004; Perry, 2003; Stone, Vanhoy, & Van Orden, 1997; Ziegler, Montant, & Jacobs, 1997) that adults are slowed when reading a word like hurl because other words that hurl rhymes with, such as girl and pearl, have different spellings of the same rhyme. This effect is surprising, because inconsistency in the sound-to-letter direction, something that might logically make writing difficult, would seem to play no necessary role in reading, which involves mapping letters to sounds. We begin this chapter by reviewing the literature on the feedback consistency effect, pointing out some methodological problems in several of the studies that have argued for its existence. We then report new analyses designed to determine whether feedback consistency has a reliable effect on the speed with which people read individual words.



Abbreviations used in the data files:

bigramsthe text frequency of the two-letter sequences in the word, from Solso & Juel, 1980 (transformation takes square root)
cd...The coda of the syllable: any and all consonants that follow the vowel
cdPFrCoda pronunciation frequency: the sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list that have the same pronunciation of the coda, regardless of spelling (transformation takes square root)
cdPLenCoda pronunciation length: the number of phonemes in the coda
cdRCnCoda feedforward consistency: the sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list whose coda is spelled the same and has the same pronunciation, divided by cdWFr (transformation takes square root)
cdWCnCoda feedback consistency: the sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list whose coda is spelled the same and has the same pronunciation, divided by cdPFr (transformation takes square root)
cdWFrCoda written frequency: The sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list that have the same spelling of the coda, regardless of pronunciation (transformation takes square root)
cdWLenCoda written length: the number of letters used to spell the coda
CnConsistency variables (cover term) (transformation takes square root)
constConstant term in linear regression formula
ELPData from the English Lexicon Project
elpErrSelf-reported error rates in ELP
elpRsdResidual response times in ELP study (milliseconds)
elpRTNaming response times in ELP
famWord familiarity, from Nusbaum, Pisoni, & Davis, 1984
FrFrequency variables (cover terms for variables that measure the frequency of the spelling or pronunciation in a part of the word) (transformation takes square root)
freqFrequency from the corpus of Zeno, Ivenz, Millard, & Duvvuri, 1995 (transformation adds 1 and takes the log)
hd...The head of the syllable: vowel with all preceding consonants
hdPFrHead pronunciation frequency: the sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list that have the same pronunciation of the head, regardless of spelling (transformation takes square root)
hdRCnHead feedforward consistency: the sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list whose head is spelled the same and has the same pronunciation, divided by hdWFr (transformation takes square root)
hdWCnHead feedback consistency: the sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list whose head is spelled the same and has the same pronunciation, divided by hdPFr (transformation takes square root)
hdWFrHead written frequency: the sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list that have the same spelling of the head, regardless of pronunciation (transformation takes square root)
hdWLenHead written length: The number of letters used to spell the head
headThe phonetic head of the word, using the same scheme as in pronunc
imgImageability, from Cortese & Fugett, 2004
KTMData from the study of Kessler, Treiman, & Mullennix, 2002
ktmErrError rates in KTM study (proportions)
ktmRTNaming response times in KTM study (milliseconds)
ktmRsdResidual response times in KTM study (milliseconds)
LenLength variables (cover term)
nabrSizSpelling neighborhood size, often called Coltheart’s N (Coltheart, Davelaar, Jonasson, & Besner, 1977): the number of words in a collegiate lexicon that differ from the word in question by exactly one letter (transformation takes square root)
on...The onset of the syllable: any and all consonants preceding the vowel
onPFrOnset pronunciation frequency: the sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list that have the same pronunciation of the onset, regardless of spelling (transformation takes square root)
onPLenOnset pronunciation length: the number of phonemes in the onset
onRCnOnset feedforward consistency: The sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list whose onset is spelled the same and has the same pronunciation, divided by onWFr (transformation takes square root)
onWCnOnset feedback consistency: The sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list whose onset is spelled the same and has the same pronunciation, divided by onPFr (transformation takes square root)
onWFrOnset written frequency: The sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list that have the same spelling of the onset, regardless of pronunciation (transformation takes square root)
onWLenOnset written length: The number of letters used to spell the onset
pronuncPronunciation (uses a nonstandard variant of IPA)
rm...The rhyme of the syllable: the vowel with any following consonants
rmPFrRhyme pronunciation frequency: the sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list that have the same pronunciation of the rhyme, regardless of spelling (transformation takes square root)
rmRCnRhyme feedforward consistency: the sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list whose rhyme is spelled the same and has the same pronunciation, divided by rmWFr (transformation takes square root)
rmWCnRhyme feedback consistency: The sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list whose rhyme is spelled the same and has the same pronunciation, divided by rmPFr (transformation takes square root)
rmWFrRhyme written frequency: The sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list that have the same spelling of the rhyme, regardless of pronunciation (transformation takes square root)
rmWLenRhyme written length: The number of letters used to spell the rhyme
SBData from the study of Spieler & Balota, 1997
sbErrSelf-reported error rates in SB study (proportions)
sbRsdResidual response times in SB study (milliseconds)
sbRTNaming response times in SB study
SWData from the study of Seidenberg & Waters, 1989
swErrError rates in SW study (proportions)
swRsdResidual response times in SW study (milliseconds)
swRTNaming response times in SW study (milliseconds)
vw...The vowel of the syllable
vwPFrVowel the sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list that have the same pronunciation of the vowel, regardless of spelling (transformation takes square root)
vwRCnVowel feedforward consistency: the sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list whose vowel is spelled the same and has the same pronunciation, divided by vwWFr (transformation takes square root)
vwWCnVowel feedback consistency: the sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list whose vowel is spelled the same and has the same pronunciation, divided by vwPFr (transformation takes square root)
vwWFrVowel written frequency: the sum of the natural log of the frequencies (per Zeno et al.) of all words in the Kessler & Treiman, 2001), list that have the same spelling of the vowel, regardless of pronunciation (transformation takes square root)
vwWLenVowel written length: The number of letters used to spell the vowel

Pronunciation key:


APA citation:

Kessler, B., Treiman, R., & Mullennix, J. (2008). Feedback-consistency effects in single-word reading. In E. L. Grigorenko & A. J. Naples (Eds.), Single-word reading: Behavioral and biological perspectives (pp. 159−174). New York, NY: Erlbaum.

Last change 2009-08-06T09:13:28-0500